Author: David

The tragic events of September 11th are not to be laughed at. The lives lost on that day will be remembered forever, and we will never trivialize the case. But, as well-known as this tragedy is, did you know it wasn’t the only tragic occurrence to occur during that time period? About two days before the crisis on 9/9, a UFO from the future landed on Earth, and when the aliens descended from their spacecraft, they started showing us what they had been trying to teach us all along. Since the video was leaked, don’t expect it to be in…

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A group of Columbia University researchers revealed the findings of an experiment indicating that sound waves may carry gravitational mass in February 2019. During the experiment, scientists discovered that sound waves may produce a small gravitational field. “Calculations show that sound waves have a little negative mass, meaning that when they pass through a gravitational field like the Earth’s, their path bends upward. According to the story, “scientists have found that sound waves emit a small gravitational field.” For a long time, scientists believed that sound waves could only convey energy, not mass. According to, the researchers unearthed data…

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Muchas personas, particularmente entusiastas de la vida silvestre, se han sentido atraídas por un video en las redes sociales que muestra a una cría de elefante siendo mordida por un cocodrilo mientras nadaba en los humedales cercanos. Afortunadamente, el elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 fue rescatado por su madre, cuyos instintos maternos se activaron. Los elefantes son solo uno de los muchos animales que muestran instintos maternos para proteger a sus crías de depredadores y daños. Sigue leyendo para conocer todos los detalles del encuentro entre el cocodrilo y los elefantes. Madre Elefante Pisotea a Cocodrilo Presionando a su Cría Las madres siempre están…

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Sphinxes have always been amazing discoveries that bear the test of time and share a wide host of tales, to say the least. Each and every one of them has begun hundreds, if not thousands, of conversations with researchers across the globe. You can only guess everyone’s reaction as reports arrived that another sphinx has been uncovered in Balochistan, Pakistan, 6000 miles away from the most famous find of all history, the Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. This is another fantastic piece of the jigsaw in the world of conspirators since it points to the development of the hypothesis that an…

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After a photographer found the creature washing up on US shores, the picture of an incredibly uncommon fish known as the “deep sea moster” went viral. Αccordiпg to Wioпews, oп November 13, Jay Beiler was walkiпg oп Black’s Beach iп Torrey Piпes, Saп Diego, “USΑ” wheп he discovered the “extremely rare” species. Αt first he thoυght it was a jellyfish, bυt υpoп closer iпspectioп, he realized he had пever seeп this fish before. The straпge creatυres caυght Beiler’s iпterest aпd he took pictυres to share with others. These photos have reached scieпtists at the Scripps Iпstitυte of Oceaпography, who have…

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The following video was captured in Morelia, Mexico, over a busy highway by a random onlooker who was stuck in a roadblock. What really stands out about this video, to begin with, is that as opposed to most any other UFO sighting this one appears to just sort of be standing there, floating about without a care in the world. The video is definitely decent for the most part, and you can even hear the driver try to get a different angle to get a better snapshot. We can applaud him for this because this was a herculean task considering…

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On an expedition to the International Space Station, the astronaut was able to grab video of three triangular UFOs that evidently flew by their station. According to the video and the astronaut’s comments, the UFOs somehow managed to pass him and the station in fewer than a few seconds, which implies that these alien life forms had access to technologies that we could only think about. More and more images have been collected in the area of the ISS since late. Might it be a response from them? Are they warning us of what’s to come in the immediate future?…

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This astonishing incident occurred at a training camp in Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ when a python smothered and then devoured a Vervet monkey. The snake dragged its food into the bushes and swallowed it completely, no matter how large it was. Warwick Neil Guy, a wildlife and conservation student, snapped the amazing moment on a deserted dirt road at the Bhejane Training Camp in Hluhluwe, Sᴏᴜᴛʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ. The 23-year-old described he and his roommate Jason were having a leisurely afternoon stroll around the property when he came across the python and the monkey along the fence line. The action was about…

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On the Internet, the amazing video showing the snake being found in a jungle on the Caribbean island of Dominica has received 79 million views. This is an amazing moment as a gigantic snake was discovered alive and it was so big that people had to use a crane to lift it. The digger’s claw was holding its body in place, but due to its vast size, it was almost touching the ground. The snake’s head slowly slithered back up to the claw. The huge beast appeared to have been found by workers as they were thinning out some of…

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A 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 hippo calf is being tossed around in the water by a crocodile as it swims around with macabre joy. The giant predator reared out of the water to reveal the tiny carcass after apparently snatching its prey while its mother’s back was turned. Amateur photographer Roland Ross captured these incredible photographs near Lower Sabie in Kruger Park, South Africa. Mr Ross was watching the huge crocodile swimming in a small dam when he was shocked by the brutal scene. Mr Ross said: ‘I could see the croc had something in its mouth as it began to come our way. ‘The crocodile then began to…

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Scientific name: Coracias caudatus, the Lilac-Breasted Roller is a member of the Coraciidae roller family. This bird is mostly found in parts of East and South Africa. This gorgeous, jewel colored bird has a proportionately large bird with a sturdy little black beak. Its blue head is contrasted by sunset colored cheeks. The most distinguishable part of the bird is its vibrant, lilac chest that goes lighter as it gets closer to its throat. The wings of the Lilac-breasted Roller span 50cm up to 58cm tip to tip. The mesmerizing dark blue color of the anterior wings perfectly complements the ocean-blue of…

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If there’s one thing lovebirds are good at, it’s keeping you entertained with their beauty for hours at most. These birds come in the most beautiful array of colors with combos that will certainly make you fall in love. They are the epitome of true love, as they are monogamous and mate for life with their partners. Their mating begins with courtship, and this can continue throughout their lifespan, which is typically 15 years. When they get separated or if their partner dies, they display behaviors that can be likened to depression. That’s how loyal they are to their companion!…

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