The world has been moved by a real-life fairy tale about a 30-year magical relationship between a 79-year-old Japanese diver…
Browsing: ocean Animal
Benji Jones is a senior environmental reporter at Vox, covering biodiversity loss and climate change. Before joining Vox, he was a…
Discover some of the weirdest creatures in the ocean, from the shapeless blobfish to the scary goblin shark – indeed,…
A female Weedy Seadragon has transferred eggs to a male at the Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at…
On a beach vacation, a venomous sea slug probably isn’t high on your must-see list. Glaucus atlanticus, or “blue dragon,”…
An enormous shark dubbed the ‘Queen of the Ocean’, weighing more than 250st, was finally caught after years of searching…
According to radiocarbon dating, the bigmouth buffalo was born before World War I broke out in Europe This bigmouth buffalo…
After visiting Scarborough, a roaming walrus dubbed ‘Thor’ has appeared 100 miles farther down the North Sea coast, prompting a…
On Boxing Day, a mother dolphin and her youngster were discovered trapped in the mudbanks of the River Severn in…