Author: Ben

When it comes to the more Ьіzаггe oddities in life it’s hard to top these weirdly wonderful creature creations found in nature right now. Nature has a thing about survival of the fittest. In that spirit some ѕрeсіeѕ of animals (whether they live in water, on land or in the sky) have gone to extremes to make sure they have whatever bonus edɡe they can get over their neighbors in the wіɩd. 1. The pink fairy armadillo The smallest (and, of course, pinkest) armadillo in the world favors the grasslands and sandy plains of Central Argentina as its home territory.…

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Kyrie Irving wants NBA fans to know that the narrative of him being a locker room cancer is untrue, and the storyline is being spread by “old bitter gentlemen and women” in the media. Irving is one of the best players the NBA has seen over the last decade. There is no denying his unparalleled talent as a scorer and his uncanny gifts as a basketball player. However, his unusual outlook on the sport and how he prefers to be coached has led to a narrative that he can be a problematic player on his teams. In February, the 30-year-old…

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Encuentran en un cajón los misteriosos restos de una familia del siglo XVIII Encontrados en cajas dentro de una iglesia en la ciudad húngara de Vác y analizados en 2015, los huesos de 200 años de antigüedad podrían representar un hito en la ciencia. Una antigua iglesia dominicana se llenó de investigadores en 1994 en la ciudad húngara de Vác. Al abrir cajas misteriosas dentro del sitio sagrado, los expertos se sorprendieron al encontrar restos muy bien conservados de 265 individuos. No huesos ordinarios, sino momias sorprendentes. Además, estaban aquejados de una enfermedad que, para los muertos, solía ser bastante…

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El estudio genómico de los restos uigures de la Edad del Bronce muestra vínculos antiguos con los nativos americanos. Un estudio genómico de las momias de la Edad del Bronce de la región uigur en el oeste de China reveló un pueblo indígena genéticamente aislado pero culturalmente cosmopolita vinculado a los pueblos indígenas modernos de las Américas y Siberia. Desde la década de 1990, se han descubierto cientos de momias preservadas de forma natural en el clima seco de la cuenca del Tarim, en el oeste de China, y su aspecto un tanto occidental atrae la atención y las conjeturas…

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The sunken city of the Caesars, lost for 1,700 years beneath waves off of Italy’s west coast, has been revealed in stunning new photographs taken by divers who were allowed to explore the area. Baiae was the Las Vegas for the super-rich of the 1st Century’s ancient Rome, covered in sprawling mansions and synonymous with luxury and wickedness, historians claim. But as time passed, much of it was lost to the sea as volcanic activity caused the coastline to retreat 400metres inland, forcing the entire city underwater into what is now the Gulf of Naples in modern-day Italy. Baiae was the Las Vegas…

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Gracias a las prácticas de embalsamamiento, los nacimientos en ataúdes rara vez ocurren en estos días. Sin embargo, entre los años 1600 y 1800, no era raro que una mujer fallecida diera a luz. En 1551, la Inquisición española estaba en pleno apogeo. Por mandato de la corona española, aquellos considerados herejes de la ortodoxia católica (judíos, musulmanes y una plétora de otros pueblos) estaban sujetos a conversión forzada, tortura e incluso la muerte. Según Transactions of the Obstetrical Society of London, una de esas víctimas fue ahorcada bajo el ardiente sol español, su cuerpo quedó retorciéndose con los vientos…

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The “Lovers of Valdaro” are a pair of human skeletons that were discovered in 2007 by a team of archaeologists at a Neolithic tomb in Italy. The two skeletons appear to have died while they were gazing into one another’s eyes and hugging each other, thus reminiscent of a “lovers’ embrace.” Their Embrace Amazingly Goes Back 6,000 Years For 6,000 years, two young lovers had been locked in an eternal embrace, hidden from the eyes of the world. Despite their embrace lasting six millennia, the Lovers of Valdaro only became known ten years ago, when their tomb was discovered near…

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Arqueólogos con cascos y máscaras faciales retiran cuidadosamente la tierra de alrededor de enormes huesos en el sitio del nuevo aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México, donde los trabajos de construcción han descubierto un enorme tesoro de esqueletos de mamut. Los restos de docenas de gigantes extintos y otras criaturas prehistóricas se han encontrado en Zumpango, en el extremo norte de la capital, que se asienta sobre el antiguo lecho de un lago. “Ya se han recuperado más de 100 individuos de mamuts, camellos, caballos, bisontes, peces, aves, antílopes y roedores”, dijo el capitán del ejército Jesús Cantoral, quien encabeza…

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In mythology, mermaids — or mermaidlike creatures — have existed for thousands of years. The first myths of mermaids may have originated around 1000 B.C. — stories tell the tale of a Syrian goddess who jumped into a lake to turn into a fish, but her great beauty could not be changed and only her bottom half transformed. Since then, many other mermaid stories have appeared in folklore from various cultures around the world. For instance, the African water spirit Mami Wata is mermaid in form, as is the water spirit Lasirn, who is popular in folklore in the Caribbean…

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A 70-million-year-old fossilized dinosaur egg discovered in China is giving scientist the opportunity to study dinosaur incubation. Nicknamed Baby Yingliang — after the Chinese museum where it was discovered — the fossil preserves the embryonic skeleton of an oviraptorid dinosaur and shows the baby dinosaur curled up perfectly inside, CNN reported. Speaking about the discovery, Darla Zelenitsky, an associate professor in the department of geoscience at the University of Calgary in Canada pointed out how rare embryonic dinosaur fossils are to come across. “It is an amazing specimen … I have been working on dinosaur eggs for 25 years and have…

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Archaeologists have made a gruesome discovery that could be straight out of a horror movie. A number of 8th Century human skeletons have been found with large stones stuck in their mouths – something researchers believe locals did to stop the dead from returning to walk the Earth as zombies. The research started more than six years ago in what was supposed to be a survey of medieval churches in County Roscommon, Ireland. One of the skeletons that were discovered in Ireland with stones stuffed in their mouths to prevent them becoming zombiesDiscovery: One of the skeletons that were found in…

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Archaeologists in China have made a stunning discovery, finding graves bearing the ancient remains of a ‘giant’ people buried approximately 5,000 year ago. The bones, uncovered during an excavation in Shandong Province in south-east China, reveal at least one male individual who would have reached 1.9 metres (6 ft, 3 in) in height, along with others measuring 1.8 metres (5 ft, 11 in) tall – making them giants in their time who would have towered over their neolithic contemporaries. “This is just based on the bone structure,” the head of Shandong University’s school of history and culture, Fang Hui, explained to China’s…

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Astronomers have discovered the largest body of water so far known, a reservoir of water floating in space around a ancient distant quasar,  holding 140 trillion times the mass of water in the Earth’s oceans. Remarkably enough, the find was dated as being 12 billion light years away, only  1.6 billion light years farther from the Big Bang.“Since astronomers expected water vapor to be present even in the early universe, the discovery of water is not itself a surprise,” said the Carnegie Institution in statement, one of the groups behind the findings, said. The water cloud was found to be in…

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El primer experimento de este tipo demostró que las reacciones catalizadas por rayos gamma pueden producir aminoácidos, lo que contribuyó al origen de la vida en la Tierra. Ilustración de un meteoro entrando en la atmósfera terrestre. Cómo surgió la vida en la Tierra sigue siendo uno de los misterios más complejos de la ciencia. Uno de los muchos mitos e hipótesis es la posibilidad de que los meteoritos entreguen aminoácidos , conocidos como los componentes básicos de la vida, a nuestro planeta. En un experimento único en su tipo , los investigadores han demostrado que los aminoácidos podrían haberse formado en los primeros meteoritos…

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Los científicos identificaron una señal que sugería que el campo magnético estaba cambiando entre 72 y 24 horas antes de los terremotos. Usando magnetómetros para detectar señales débiles, los científicos pueden mejorar nuestra comprensión de lo que sucede antes de los terremotos y mejorar la detección temprana de terremotos. Los investigadores que estudian terremotos de medianos a grandes en California descubrieron que el campo magnético local cambia dos o tres días antes del terremoto. Los sismólogos esperan que su técnica pueda refinarse para eventualmente ayudar a pronosticar terremotos , ya que los expertos han encontrado una señal débil pero estadísticamente significativa del cambio del campo magnético. Según Dan…

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Por más descabellado que suene, existe un concepto revolucionario que podría cambiar nuestro en entendimiento del universo y que cambiaría definitivamente el campo de la física: la información podría tener masa. Y no solo eso, también podría ser un nuevo y extraño estado de la materia, según plantea Melvin Vopson, físico de la Universidad de Portsmouth, en el Reino Unido. Así, el científico ha ideado un experimento basado en explosiones de antimateria que cree que podría llegar a confirmar su teoría, la cual, de ser correcta, probaría que la información es la quinta forma de la materia, junto con la…

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Archaeologists in Croatia uncovered the fossilized remains of a Roman chariot buried with two horses as part of a funeral ceremony. The fossilized remains of a Roman chariot buried with 2 horses as part of a burial ritual have recently been uncovered in Croatia. A large burial chamber for an ‘extremely wealthy family’ was discovered where the carriage with what seems to be two horses had been placed. The findings were made at the Jankovacka Dubrava site close to the village of Stari Jankovci, near the city of Vinkovci, in eastern Croatia by archaeologists from the City Museum Vinkovci and…

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The oldest known gold objects were discovered in the Varna Necropolis, a burial site on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast dating from 4,560-4,450 BC. Varna Necropolis (also known as the Varna Cemetery) is a massive burial site in Varna’s western industrial zone that is internationally recognized as one of the world’s most important ancient archaeological sites. It dates from the Chalcolithic (Copper Age) Varna Culture, which flourished between 6,000 and 6,500 years ago. According to Archaeology in Bulgaria, a total of 294 burials have been unearthed at the Varna Necropolis, containing around 3,000 gold objects. While several noble burial sites…

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En Rusia, se han descubierto los intrincados patrones de tatuajes de 2500 años de antigüedad, algunos del cuerpo de una “princesa” siberiana conservada en permafrost. Las criaturas mitológicas están incluidas en el notable arte corporal y los expertos creen que los elaborados dibujos eran un signo de edad y estatus para el antiguo pueblo nómada Pazyryk, mencionado por el historiador griego Heródoto en el siglo V a. Pero Natalia Polosmak, una científica que encontró los restos de la ‘Princesa Ukok’ cubierta de hielo en lo alto de las montañas de Altai, también está sorprendida por lo poco que ha cambiado…

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FC Barcelona midfielder Frenkie de Jong has suggested that he “wants” to remain at the club for “many more years” amid reports linking him with Man Utd. De Jong was one of United’s main targets during the previous summer transfer window. One of Erik ten Hag’s priorities that window was to strengthen in midfield and he was keen to reunite with the former Ajax standout. Barcelona were open to a transfer and they reached ‘full agreement’ with Man Utd, with the fee for De Jong potentially reaching €85m with add-ons. The problem was that De Jong was insistent during the transfer window that he had no…

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If there’s one thing that Paris Saint-Germain aren’t short of it’s money, though a potential move for one Manchester United star seems an odd one to say the least. Sent tumbling out of the Champions League once again, one has to question where their problems lie. Against Bayern Munich over two legs, not even with the likes of Lionel Messi and Kylian Mbappe in situ, could the Ligue Un side get on the scoresheet. That would hint at an attack that isn’t working which, whilst ostensibly true for the latter stages of the premier European competition is quite the opposite domestically. Indeed,…

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Farмer Soмanlal Yadaʋ could not Ƅelieʋe his eyes when his pregnant cow deliʋered the deforмed two-headed calf with its two heads Ƅlinking independently. Villagers haʋe flocked to witness the Ƅeast. A two-headed calf has enticed worshippers in India after a cow gaʋe 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 to it. Farмer Soмanlal Yadaʋ could not Ƅelieʋe his eyes when his pregnant cow deliʋered the deforмed calf with its two heads Ƅlinking independently. The two heads were joined at the neck and each one had two eyes, Ƅut shared three ears. Local people in Rajnandgaon’s Panega, Chhattisgarh, Central India, gathered in large groups to witness and…

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It is possiƄle that мaпy people are alarмed wheп they hear the word ‘мoυse’, aпd why пot, if for мost people the preseпce of a мoυse or a rat geпerates a reactioп of coпteмpt aпd paпic alмost iпstaпtly. These little aпiмals haʋe Ƅeeп with υs froм the мoмeпt мaп мade his appearaпce iп this world, wheп the Neolithic мaп gυarded his food aпd crops with his cattle, the rat discoʋered that together with υs he eпsυred his food. It is the мaммal with the largest ears iп the world. Siпce theп, they haʋe мaiпtaiпed aп υпfrieпdly relatioпship that has led…

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According to Ƅiologists, this strangely colored turtle is due to alƄinisм. This loʋely golden flapshell turtle is one of a few newly discoʋered sмall turtles in India. It’s ʋiʋid, it’s the color of the sun, of an egg yolk, of a Ƅanana, of a daffodil—it’s a golden flapshell turtle.Discoʋered in a net during a fishing spree, this latest internet sensation has gained a lot of attention, and giʋen the turtle’s flashy coloring, it’s easy to see why. The Indian flapshell turtle is usually brown with yellow spots, Ƅut they can Ƅe yellow on occasion. It’s a coммon type of turtle…

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