Author: Bevis

Durante una visita al Parque Nacional South Luangwa en Zambia en octubre pasado, el fotógrafo Shafeeq Mulla capturó accidentalmente un momento que hizo que muchas personas se sintieran tristes. Es una imagen de una madre mono muerta, sostenida en la boca por un leopardo. Mientras tanto, el mono 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 seguía abrazado al cuerpo de la madre, decidido a no soltarlo. Al final, el animal joven fue 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ed por Olimba, un leopardo líder. Aunque las fotos fueron tomadas hace unos meses, el fotógrafo las acaba de publicar. “La naturaleza no siempre es hermosa. Y esta foto nos muestra la dura realidad de la vida. Para tener un…

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Un groupe de crânes humains vieux de 8 000 ans, certains incrustés dans des pieux, a été retrouvé dans une mystérieuse tombe sous-marine qui a déconcerté les archéologues. L’un des crânes perforés, retrouvé conservé dans ce qui était autrefois un lac préhistorique en Suède, a été découvert avec une partie de son tissu cérébral encore intact. Cette découverte macabre remet en question notre compréhension de la culture européenne de l’âge de pierre et de la façon dont ces premiers humains ont géré leurs morts, ont déclaré des experts. La découverte, par des chercheurs de l’Université de Stockholm et de la…

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Des archéologues chinois ont fouillé un nouveau trésor d’artefacts dans les ruines de Sanxingdui, dans la province sud-ouest du Sichuan, un peu plus d’un an après que les plus grandes découvertes sur le site ont mis en lumière une civilisation ancienne datant de plus de 3 000 ans. Les artefacts découverts lors de la dernière série de fouilles archéologiques comprenaient un récipient en bronze en forme de treillis avec un dos de tortue et une divinité créature mythique, entre autres, ont déclaré des responsables de l’Institut provincial des reliques culturelles et d’archéologie du Sichuan lors d’une conférence de presse…

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Planting a succulent garden is a fun and easy activity, and I will share some ideas on how to start growing succulents in your own garden. As an avid gardener myself, I’m looking for some excuse to get out and do something in the garden. But time can sometimes be lacking. This activity is something that can be done quite quickly and with very little material. It is also easy enough for small children to participate in the fun! Now my garden is small so I just have to think a little more compact than those that have a lot…

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These are the cutest and nicest summer nail designs to get you motivated to design your own distinctive and eye-catching summer manicures to boost your summer appearance. Everyone is always looking forward to the bright and sunny days of summer. So we can go to the beach, and also wear bright colors outfits. But what if I tell you that I always look forward to exceptional and colorful summer nail designs? From the ’70s-themed retro summer nail designs to sunflower, Ombre, beach vibes, sunny day, watermelon, sky-themed, and hot pink summer nails designs, etc. Only the thought of having your…

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Although bonsai trees are more delicate than the average indoor plant, a few basic rules should enable anyone to properly care for their tree. Pay particular attention to where you place it and how you water it properly. In this section of our website we explain the basic and advanced Bonsai care techniques. It is also important to adapt these care guidelines to your specific tree species. In our online bonsai courses we also explain the essential Bonsai techniques, so be sure to check out some of the free previews there too! InvestmentDetermining the optimal location to place your bonsai…

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You might not realize it in the dead of winter, but spring is on its way. That means that it might be time to pack away your winter mittens and start working on your spring look, whether that’s refreshing your hair color with a hydrating gloss or dotting on some faux freckles with a freckle pen (why not?). And, of course, getting ready for fun, fresh spring nails. Where to turn to for inspo? The runways, of course. New York Fashion Week may seem like a distant memory, but we’re not done talking about it yet. Whether we’re analyzing the best looks from the runways or…

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During a visit to South Luangwa National Park in Zambia last October, photographer Shafeeq Mulla accidentally captured a moment that made many people feel sad. It is a picture of a dead mother monkey, being held in the mouth by a leopard. Meanwhile, the baby monkey still hugged the mother’s body, determined not to let go. In the end, the young animal was killed by Olimba, a leading leopard. Although the photos were taken a few months ago, the photographer has just posted them. “Nature is not always beautiful. And this photo shows us the harsh reality of life. In…

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For Wednesday’s highly anticipated clash between the Boston Celtics and the Brooklyn Nets, Ben Simmons has already been ruled out. As he tries to lead an injured Brooklyn team against his former team, Kyrie Irving will be the Nets’ main man. The Celtics may possibly be shorthanded because Robert Williams appeared on the injury report prior to Wednesday’s game. Robert Williams injury status vs. Nets At the moment, Williams has been tagged as questionable to play as he continues to deal with an ankle injury. It’s this same left ankle sprain that kept Time Lord out of Saturday’s controversial win against the…

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With a record of 36-15, the Boston Celtics lead the NBA and are in the midst of what many view as a championship-or-bust campaign. Jayson Tatum is expected to receive official recognition as one of the sport’s top players this year. The year Marcus Smart replaces Draymond Green and Dennis Rodman as the greatest glue player on a championship team. the year Jaylen Brown is recognized as a second Batman rather than just a Robin. With lofty objectives like those, interim head coach Joe Mazzulla does not have time to get excited about coaching the NBA All-Star Game. In fact,…

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The Boston Celtics executive office, led by Brad Stevens, is not afraid to change the roster during a regular season. That was demonstrated in their deal in February of last year to acquire Derrick White. But keep in mind that Boston made that choice when they needed to increase their shooting and were at.500. The Celtics currently have the best record in the NBA this season. There is always potential for improvement, even though their need is not as acute. Here, we’ll examine a prospective NBA deal that the Celtics might later regret. It would be great for the…

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Since Kevin Durant retired, Kyrie Irving has been in charge of the Brooklyn Nest, with mixed results thus far. Despite the fact that the Nets have lost more games than they have won since KD got hurt, Kyrie has displayed flashes of his elite play and has won games solely on the basis of his natural talent on the court. He admirably led the Nets to beat the Lakers without LeBron James and Anthony Davis tonight, leading the Nets in scoring with 29 points. Irving spoke about not getting a chance to play against his former championship-winning teammate, LeBron James, on the night. He…

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Despite the absence of the major stars on both teams, the Brooklyn Nets easily defeated the Los Angeles Lakers. While Kevin Durant has been out with an injury for some time, LeBron James and Anthony Davis sat out the game. While Kyrie Irving inspired the Nets to victory, Russell Westbrook was unable to lead the Lakers to triumph. After the game, Kyrie Irving spoke about his back-and-forth with Patrick Beverley, but he didn’t seem too bothered by it. The Lakers likely knew they would lose with both their big guns out, although recently, losses don’t seem to bother Russell Westbrook too much.…

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Despite their difficulties on the field, LeBron James is having a historic year. If he stays healthy, James will pass Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the upcoming week to become the NBA’s all-time top scorer by less than 100 points. In the Lakers’ game against the New York Knicks, LeBron James notched a double-double with 10 assists. He crossed Knicks legend Mark Jackson for fifth place before also crossing Steve Nash to become the sole holder of 5th place with 10,377 assists over his career. LBJ is now only trailing John Stockton, Jason Kidd, and Chris Paul…

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Zookeeper Chad knew he had to help this little one survive. Humans share 98% of our DNA with gorillas. They are our second closest relatives in the animal kingdom, next to chimpanzees who share 99% of our DNA. This is why it’s no wonder that baby gorillas act so much like human babies. How to care for a baby gorilla is also very similar to caring for a baby. In New South Wales, Australia, zookeeper Chad Staples had to step in and care for newborn baby gorilla Kaius when his mom Kipenzi suddenly rejected him. Kaius was the first baby…

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Preparing to enjoy a meal after a hunting trip, the black leopard had to give up its prey and “run away for people”, when a disruptor suddenly appeared… An amusing moment of the natural world captured by a visitor at the Kruger Nature Reserve (South Africa), showing the moment a black panther has successfully defeated an antelope and is preparing to enjoy meal. Thinking that the black leopard would get a delicious meal, the animal suddenly had to release its prey, show a wary attitude, and then immediately ran away. Many visitors when witnessing this scene had to bewildered as to…

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Después de toda una vida de dolor y sufrimiento en giras circenses en Perú y Colombia, 33 ex leones de circo ahora disfrutan del sol africano sobre sus espaldas y la hierba bajo sus pies. Los leones lograron con éxito el increíble viaje de regreso a su hábitat luego de un dramático esfuerzo de rescate por parte de Animal Defenders International (ADI). Según Tim Phillips, cofundador de Animal Defenders International, los rescatistas enfrentaron desafíos importantes para rastrear y rescatar leones de circos ilegales en Perú y Colombia. A pesar de que los animales de circo son ilegales en muchos países, muchos…

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After a lifetime of pain and suffering in touring circuses in Peru and Colombia, 33 ex-circus lions are now enjoying the African sun on their backs and the grass beneath their feet. The incredible journey back to their habitat was successfully accomplished by the lions following a dramatic rescue effort by Animal Defenders International (ADI). According to Tim Phillips, co-founder of Animal Defenders International, rescuers faced significant challenges in tracking down and rescuing the lions from illegal circuses in Peru and Colombia. Despite the fact that circus animals are illegal in many countries, many traveling circuses continue to operate in…

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This piglet was born in the Pramaoy region of the United States with a nose like a long trunk and ears as big as an elephant’s but the little animal was very thin, limping and could not open its eyes. A piglet with a genetic mutation has appeared in the US, making it look like a hybrid between a pig and an elephant. This piglet was born in the Pramaoy region of western America with a long trunk-like snout and large elephant-like ears. The little animal was very thin, limped and could not open its eyes. The images of this…

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Francois Pienaar and Rogan Roams, who were both traveling in separate vehicles at the same time, were able to catch this action-packed sighting of a pack of wild dogs pursuing impalas while hippos and hyenas interfered. Rogan Roams said that there was a flutter of anticipation when they first spotted the small impala in the water because they might witness a successful chase. It serves as a painful reminder of how ferocious the wild can be. Everyone there was anticipating whether the impala would manage to flee or whether the wild dogs would ultimately have a successful breakfast, but what…

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En esta adorable escena, se ve a un elefante 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 tratando de despertar a su hermano dormido. Un viajero que estaba en un safari en el Parque Nacional Kruger de Sudáfrica capturó las adorables imágenes. Los investigadores han encontrado previamente cuatro rasgos de personalidad distintos en los elefantes africanos, uno de los cuales es la alegría, como se ve en la imagen. Los elefantes rara vez descansan sobre sus costados, y cuando lo hacen, generalmente es para relajarse. El elefante más joven, que estaba ansioso por salir y jugar, no dejaba que su hermano mayor disfrutara de una siesta matutina al sol. El…

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In this adorable scene, a baby elephant is seen trying to wake up his sleeping sibling. A traveler who was on a safari in South Africa’s Kruger National Park captured the adorable pictures. Researchers have previously found four distinct personality traits in African elephants, one of which is playfulness, as seen in the picture. Elephants rarely rest flat on their sides, and when they do, it’s usually to relax. The younger elephant, who was eager to get outside and play, wouldn’t let his older brother enjoy a morning nap in the sun. The young elephant then climbed up onto his…

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Barbie pink, hot pink, magenta pink, and more! No shade of pink is inappropriate for the situation. The freshness of hues and tones catches the eye and will remain a classic. Pink has been the new Black for quite some time now. The best part apart from the versatility of pink color is its ability to complement the rest of the colors. With this in mind, you can precisely never go wrong with pink. Amongst other things, choosing the perfect design could be daunting given the choices. Fret not, we have curated 30 Pink Nail Art designs to try in…

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In the savannah, a leopard and a huge python are engaged in combat. The python ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋs the huge cat’s back while holding the leopard in place. A group of tourists on a safari witnessed an incredible sight: a leopard and python engaged in combat in the underbrush. They watched as the leopard struggled with the enormous snake and replied with jaws and claws. When the snake approached the leopard in the video, it leaped into the air. The two engaged in a brief struggle until the reptile was able to encircle the animal. As the reptile continued to encircle it…

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