
A Nazca Skull: The Mummified Shamans Sporting Long Dreaded Manes Of Hair

The Chauchilla Cemetery, a 1,000-year-old burial ground located about 30 km south of Nazca, is NOT to be missed.

Open-air tombs of shockingly well preserved mummies, eerie and extraordinary messengers from late-era Nazca culture. Clothing and hairstyles reveal intriguing cultural details which bring the ancient civilization to life.

Don’t miss the mummified shamans sporting long dreaded manes of hair.

And keep your eyes peeled for mummified babies with bound heads. Examine the incredibly preserved textiles closely to discover ancient patterns and original natural colors. Some mummies miraculously still have dry, leathery skin on their faces. As you walk around the site, notice the human bones, ceramics and textiles scattered by site looters emerging from the dirt. Bizarre, sad, incredible.

A Nazca skull with long braids

Hair still attached to its own skull, measures 2800 mm (2.80m.) in length, possibly belonged to a priestess of approximately 50 years and whose age is 2,200 years (200 BC).⁣

The hair is made up of two bows wrapped in fine ropes made of the same hair, they are in a circular way around each portion of hair. Located in National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History (Archeology Museum UNT), Trujillo, Peru


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