Home Decor

How can I make my bathroom cozy? 7 ideas for a soothing sanctuary

From color to layout, lighting and accessories, designers share how you can transform your bathroom into a welcoming, restful retreat

How can I make my bathroom more cozy and inviting? Green bathroom with bathtub. Orange bathroom with sink and bathtub. Modern, dark wood bathroom with sink and shower.

When thinking of cozy rooms in the home, you are not usually drawn to bathrooms – but you should be.

Bathrooms are often viewed as cold, clinical environments that are more practical than they are beautiful, but over the last few years, bathroom ideas have shown a wonderful shift in favor of more decorative and comforting spaces, rich in texture, color and character.

A cozy and inviting bathroom can not only make this room in the home feel more united in your overall design scheme, but it can also help you feel more relaxed, calm and connected to the space – who wouldn’t want that at the start and end of each?

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Whether you’re designing a bathroom in a new home, or are looking into how you can add warmth to a room, we have asked a selection of designers and bathroom experts for their best design ideas; so you can really make the most out of your bathroom space, and celebrate this relaxing room in the home.


Green bathroom with green tiles, wallpaper, green bathtub

(Image credit: BC Designs)

‘Whilst a bathroom is a place of cleanliness and sanitation, it needn’t be clinical. A warm and cozy room with dark and moody colors punctuated with shiny brass or chrome and white china can be fresh and crisp at the same time as being cozy,’ says London-based interior designer, Naomi Astley Clarke(opens in new tab).

Bathroom color ideas shouldn’t always revolve around a classic blue and white palette (don’t worry though, beam bathroom decor will still remain ever-timeless), darker colors can create a wonderfully cozy and cocooning space, and bolder, brighter shades can bring an inviting energy into the room.

NYC-based interior designer, James Stanley(opens in new tab), also advises, ‘picking soothing colors can make your bathroom feel calm and serene. Incorporating shades of blue, green, and white can help to create a spa bathroom environment, while earthy tones can create a rustic, warming atmosphere.’


Chinoiserie wallpaper in a guest bathroom

(Image credit: VSP interiors)

From a warming rug underfoot with bathroom rug ideas to plenty of cozy towels and bathroom curtain ideas, creating moments of softness in your bathroom, both large and small, will help to balance out the cooler fixtures and fittings, helping to make the space feel more inviting.

Joanna Ross(opens in new tab), general manager of design at Sheridan says, ‘a bathroom is a place that needs soft and nurturing textures, with this use of material key to creating a relaxing, spa-like feel. Nothing says spa quite like a fresh stack of plush towels placed over a towel bar, rolled in baskets, or stacked neatly on a shelf.’

For further inspiration, we explore a selection of beautiful towel storage ideas in our dedicated feature.


Large bathroom with copper bathtub, navy and white paint ideas, wooden flooring, plants and candles, beamed ceiling

(Image credit: BC Designs)

‘Finishing touches such as candles, plants, and artwork can enhance the ambiance of your bathroom. The best candles provide both ambient lighting and will make the space smell nice – creating an inviting experience. Plants add a natural element, which can help to establish a calming and relaxing environment. And artwork can add a beautiful, aesthetic dimension to your bathroom.’ says interior designer, James Stanley.

Wall decor ideas and decorative accents can make all the difference in helping your bathroom space feel more personal and unique.

Interior designer, Julie Brown(opens in new tab) also supports this and says, ‘trying something unusual like hanging a plant from the ceiling, using a vintage coat stand to dry towels and adding single photograph or painting will add personalized comfort and sophistication to an otherwise functional room.’


Double vanity bathroom idea with wallpapered wall and gilted mirrors over

(Image credit: Unique Kitchens / Stacy Goldberg)

‘The more products you can hide away the more successful your bathroom will be. Incorporate as much hiding space as possible for bottles, vials and bars of soap,’ advises interior designer, Naomi Astley Clarke.

If your bathroom is messy and unorganized, it is going to feel far from cozy and inviting, and the right bathroom storage ideas can help streamline your space – and make way for more purposeful and beautiful decoration.

James Stanley also comments, ‘keeping your bathroom neat and organized can create a more welcoming atmosphere. Adding storage solutions such as bathroom cabinets and bathroom shelves can prevent clutter and enable the space to feel more inviting.’

We explore how best to organize a bathroom in our dedicated feature.


Bold blue floral wallpaper in bathroom with red wall lights and scalloped shape basin

(Image credit: Barlow & Barlow)

The right lighting really does have the power to transform a cold, dark space into one filled with warming and inviting pools of light, and your bathroom lighting ideas should cater to a range of different tasks and moods.

‘Bathroom lighting has to be flexible – you want to be able to do your makeup and skincare in bright strong lighting, lit from behind the mirror. But equally in the same room, you want to relax and unwind in a dimly lit bubble bath,’ says interior designer, Naomi Astley Clarke.

James Stanley advises: ‘Lighting can play a significant role in the overall ambiance of the bathroom. Soft, warm lighting can help to create a relaxing and calming environment. Consider installing dimmer switches to enable you to control the light levels to suit your mood. A warm vanity light fixture can also add a touch of elegance and create a cozy atmosphere.’


Modern bathroom, dark wood cabinetry, wicker mirror, brass wall lights

(Image credit: GRAFF Designs)

One of the biggest design decisions for a bathroom often comes down to your chosen materials. For an inviting and cozy space, embrace the beauty and warmth of grounding, natural materials such as wood, as Barrie Cutchie, design director at BC Designs(opens in new tab) advises.

‘We’re really investing in materials and shades that ‘cuddle’ us in the home. We want to feel secure, happy and relaxed in our own environments and what better way than through warming textures? One way to achieve this is through the use of wood in the bathroom. Whether it is wooden floors (imitated through tiles or the real deal), or wood paneling, bathroom vanity units, or even teak baths, there is a lot to be gained from using this material in helping to make our bathrooms a cozy space.’

Other materials that can help make a bathroom feel warmer and more inviting can also include certain metal finishes.

‘Brassware is an easy way to introduce softer tones, organic shapes and textural detailing to the room. Opting for a brushed gold or olive bronze can give a softer rather than a polished look. Ensure a cohesive aesthetic by using the same finish throughout the brassware and accessories,’ advises Ziggy Kulig, president and CEO at GRAFF Designs(opens in new tab).


Small bathroom with orange painted walls, basin and curtain with skylight

(Image credit: Beata Heuman / Simon Brown)

The right bathroom layout should work in harmony with the size of the room, and create a functional space that is easy to move around in. Too many bathroom layout mistakes will make the room feel awkward, uninviting, and less joyful to use.

Naomi Astley Clarke advises: ‘Do not try to cram too much into the bathroom space – if one sink fits comfortably but two are a push – then just have the one. If a bath and a shower are cramped – then, you’ve guessed it, just choose one – it will then, ultimately, be a more generous and relaxing space to be in.’

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