
The video presents rare and mysterious animals that are seldom seen in the natural world

The natural world contains about 8.7 million species and we only know about 2 million of them that means mother nature has created some things that are definitely going to be a question to look at whether it’s regular common species in funky colors or completely new animals like the sarcastic fringe head there is a lot you have not seen yet so without further ado here are 40 animals you might not have seen before spanish dancer nudibranch.

Anyone who’s aware of seal slug knows that they come in a wonderful variety still the spanish dancer nerd branch is actually the biggest sea slug as of yet it’s as long as a human arm and it literally looks like a mutilated floating tongue or a giant flower petal whatever seems fit sea slugger who needs space travel when you can find aliens right in the depths of our oceans there are countless types of sea slugs but this one is special it’s a predatory sea slug and the most unique thing about them apart from their appearance is how they eat they just move around with their oral veil open like a vacuum and close it up when they sense a prey just like a fishnet

Ghost shark. Scientists need to have a better system of naming animals for example even air breathing though this fish is called a ghost shark it’s not a shark however they are related to them except they only have one gill on either side of their bodies to add to their ghost-like appearance they have a misty glow in their dark eyes too see pig.

Once again these animal names are here to confuse you the sea pig isn’t actually a pig obviously it’s a sea cucumber the pig part in their name comes from the fact that they have pinkish plump bodies like land pigs and we love to devour sea pigs are found in every ocean but you might never get to see them since they live in the coldest and deepest parts of the ocean aardwolf a striped hyena is nothing special except stripe hyenas don’t exist this is in fact an aardwolf and their name means earth wolf to make them even weirder they’re insectivorous animals and only enjoy tiny critters and for that specific reason they have cheek teeth that look like flattened pegs hagfish who knew that one of the most boring looking fish could have the weirdest features some animals use their teeth to get out of danger and some use their speed however these marine fish use slime yeah you heard that right we’re not talking about these squishy colorful slime every kid loves to play with it’s gelatinous mucus-like material that can expand up to 100 times when it’s released gross robber fly if there were criminals in the animal world it would be the robber fly no pun intended these flies will eat any insect that flies that too in a very cruel way first they inject a fluid into their victim that literally breaks down their muscle tissue and then chomp them down like free dinner and since they’re about three inches in size they’re practically the hulk of the flyworld white serval the pharaoh white serval looks like something right out of a winter wonderland and yet they don’t even live in the snow there are only a handful of these creatures known to us and we’ve only ever witnessed two of them they’re not regular albinos either their natural fur is all white what royalty galpa eel sometimes nature surprises us with things that even make scientists raise their eyebrows the gulper eel is literally like a large net with a balloon mouth it swims into large groups of shrimp with its mouth open and scooping up breast it goes they use their huge mouths to store food for later too like nature’s fridge exquisite crown jellyfish.

What has no heart no brain blood gills but has the secret to immortality the wonderful crown jellyfish thanks to their extremely simple biological makeup they can live for thousands of years if not forever the crown jellyfish is also especially venomous just not to us sarcastic fringehead.

We’d taught not to judge people by appearances thankfully this doesn’t apply to fish if you see this fish do not question anything and just quietly swim away the sarcastic fringe shed is not only possessive about its territory but it also has a mouth full of needle-like teeth that can open and close like a bear trap they’re just that witch that lives in the woods and hates everyone let them and their silly burrows be male ribbon eel with so much trash down in the ocean you can easily confuse this creature for a piece of ribbon or colorful cloth the ribbon eels start their life as bright yellow eels and then comes the phase where they turn blue and yellow at this point in life they’re actually male when they turn back to yellow they become female the color of their skin is corresponding to their sex how cool is that harlequin toad the harlequin toad has beautifully striped bodies that you might think is good enough to attract a female frog but it’s not in fact these frogs completely forego food during mating season for a special love diet that makes them lose up to 30 percent of their body weight even after that they have to wave in the water to get their attention cone head mantis the majestic code head mantis has enough charm to captivate anyone’s eye that is if you can find them their bodies already blend so well with the plant yet they even move like leaves to blend in even more african giant millipede millipedes and other insects with more legs than we could imagine are creepy enough and then there’s the african giant millipede that looks like it’s more a snake than a millipede no one in their right minds will go near them and even if you do they’ll secrete a liquid that can make your skin itchy like crazy hammerhead worm the hammerhead worm is the most hardcore worm you can possibly imagine most worms just wriggle around and don’t cause much armor but they actually like to prey on their own kind earthworms sometimes they even eat slugs insect larvae and other hammerhead worms too it pushes the prey against the surface and enveloped it into a slimy secretion and drinks it up hercules beetle the hercules beetles might not be heroic but with these swords on their head they sure look like it the best part is the beetles don’t bite don’t produce any smelly odors and are pretty easy to take care of so if you want an intimidating pet that’s not a pit bull this might be your best bet honduran white bats the honduran white bats are the exact opposite the regular scary bats the starters they’re just so cute and they love getting pets from humans sometimes they will curl up in big leaves and make the tent into their home that’s not all they all snuggle together and then sleep how adorable albino seal.

We might look at animals like the albino seal and stare in ore but their colonies usually reject them because of how different they are but the chance of them merely existing is about one in a hundred thousand which just makes them even more interesting to look at lucistic bald eagle.

Just like albino animals blonde birds exist too this bald eagle has a genetic mutation called leucism that only takes away some of the melanin making it look like it got its fur bleached from a salon however albino or leucistic birds are very rare occurring once in about eighteen hundred chances this means that they won’t be able to fit into the birds of a feather stick together metaphor zorse a source looks like an animal that was being printed but the printer ran out of ink the source is a very strange creature only because humans love to make weird little animal mixtures apparently a mule wasn’t enough so they went ahead and created the source moreover zors are usually prone to dwarfism which makes them even smaller in size and perhaps even cuter white orca it’s a good thing many fish aren’t white because we might easily confuse them with icebergs and we all remember how the titanic story went down full pun intended this obviously doesn’t stop nature from running its course and coming up with a very rare white orca whale in fact one of them is quite well known in the marine community and its name iceberg everything truly comes in full circle dolphin.

If you like beluga whales you are going to love the erawadi dolphin their charismatic round faces make them look like baby belugas but with only one dorsal fin moreover their unusually expressive faves make them look like they’re happy and smiling unfortunately these are currently endangered creatures so if you like them make sure to do your part in saving them too collared lizards what’s fancier than a regular lizard a collared lizard of course these distinguished gentlemen have two black colors around their necks and love to munch on grasshoppers and crickets that’s not all they like to eat though sometimes they’ll go for other lizards even their own kind i took a dark turn pretty fast cicada cicadas are weird enough as they are they live incredibly long lives reaching up to 13 to 17 years but they barely ever come out of the ground just to stick to your windshield and make an insufferable buzzing sound oh that’s so cool and what’s doing that is underneath here but forget about the regular flame ones take a look at this incredibly large cicada with brightly colored bodies they’re the only ones in their genus too cleaner shrimp other than being completely beautiful and bright the cleaner shrimp make the life of every marine creature a lot easier they live with their client fish and clean off any parasites the fish might have this gives the shrimp free food and the fish a free cleaning round links we’ve seen enough famous big cats but what we don’t get to see are stunning creatures like the lynx these animals have very iconic tufts of black hair on the tip of their ears and black bars on their necks resemble a bow tie you could say these are the fancier cousins of regular beer cats monkfish.

For some reason humans will eat anything even if it’s something as ugly as the monk fish what’s weird is that they’re called the poor man’s lobster because of the firm sweet taste similar to a lobster tail but they’re mostly about eighty percent mouth would you like to try one huge pyrosime this huge pyrosome looks like plastic but it’s actually a free floating collection of completely identical clones that make up a colony in fact this is a colony you’re looking at these simple creatures don’t do much except filter feed on microscopic plankton and sometimes even glow thanks to their bioluminescent qualities bobbitt worm.

As if there weren’t enough violent and disturbing predators in the water we also have the bobbitt worm that basically works like a chainsaw these worms are great at detecting prey thanks to their five antennas they use their strong muscles to snap a fish in half and gobble it up sometimes they even bite humans one more reason not to go into the ocean simple creatures don’t do much exc mediterranean parrotfish they use their beaker-like mounds to feed on algae that grows on seagrass they’re constantly chewing off the algae of the rocks the whole day which is actually a good thing especially for the coral reefs if you happen to catch one put it back into the water because they’re endangered deep sea pacific football fish it’s a good thing why deep sea fish don’t come under the surface considering how horrifying and massive they are it’s better they stay down in the water just red-lipped batfish humans are the only species that put on makeup and bright red lipstick to get a date some fish like the red-lipped fish do it too and to lure in prey they have a whole other system their fleshy modified dorsal fin can be extended to attract small fish black thin ice fish.

Fish have a very weird way of surviving sometimes evolution skips the step of even giving them hemoglobin the stuff that makes our blood red so the ice fish here has blood that actually just looks like plain water mantis shrimp harvest huge clusters of bacteria that grow on the surface of hydrothermal vents yum hot vent bacteria soup.

Venezuela poodle moth as the name suggests the venezuela poodle moth was first discovered back in 2009 in venezuela it is endowed with big black eyes and its body is covered in white fur this burn makes it look fluffy and kind of like a poodle but since it is a moth it also has a whitish wing and if you are lucky it will be attracted to your porch light and if that happens i’m pretty sure you won’t be able to resist the temptation wales ireland and england lowland streaked henrik streaked tanwicks are commonly found in madagascar if they are in the mountainous rainforests they’re classified as highland tenriks and if they are in the eastern forest then they are classified as lowland streaked tenrix the lowland streak tamrix are the most social as you’ll probably find them gathering in groups at first glance they look like electrocuted rats to their erect yellow and black quills they use these quills to communicate with other group members their waddles accordingly they can retract and extend the waddles during flight or even when they just need to perch on a branch of a tree besides earning themselves mates these waddles play no other roller if you are ever in ecuador or south west columbia you might get lucky to see one oh cuppy you’ve probably seen a giraffe and a zebra but have you ever seen an animal that looks like both say hello to a guppy okapi are the closest relatives of giraffes okapis look like they borrowed their head from the giraffes and the black and next one


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