
Is this new footage from Roswell? Video uncovered by UFO magazine claims to provide proof ‘there WERE aliens in Area 51’

New Roswell footage has emerged which claims to show the body of an alien being handled by American soldiers during the 1940s.

New Zealand-based magazine, Uncensored, has done a frame-by-frame analysis and claims it proves ‘there were aliens in Area 51’.

But Philip Mantle, the UFO expert who was involved with the release of the original Roswell films, says these latest images are nothing but ‘utter b*******’.

New footage has emerged which claims to show the body of an alien being handled by American soldiers in Roswell during the 1940s. New Zealand-based magazine, Uncensored, who says it found the footage, is adamant about its authenticity after doing a frame-by-frame analysis

It has since became apparent that the footage was taken from the film Alien Autopsy starring Ant and Dec, released back in 2006.

According to Isaac Koi, who specialises in studying UFO film footage, the footage is the work of artist John Humphreys who has confirmed he made the alien being.

But despite this, conspiracy forums have reignited theories that alien beings have visited Roswell, New Mexico in a secret army hanger dubbed Area 51.

‘UFO hunters think this might be part of a disinformation project to distract us from the real evidence,’ Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual told MailOnline.

It has since became apparent that the footage was taken from the film Alien Autopsy starring Ant and Dec, released back in 2006. Pictured is a scene from the film

‘Others think we are getting close to the day of full disclosure about the alien presence in our skies, and stories like this are being leaked out to get us accustomed to this idea.’


Roswell, New Mexico sprang to international fame on July 8, 1947, when the local newspaper reported the capture of a ‘flying saucer’ by government officials in the town.

Over the decades since the discovery, conspiracy theorists have insisted that the debris came from an alien spacecraft, and that the fact was covered up by the military in their secret hanger, Area 51.

The continuing belief of alien activity in the area led the Air Force to launch an investigation into the crash in 1995.

Officials concluded that the ‘UFO’ was part of a balloon launched into the atmosphere as part of a secret government surveillance programme aimed at the USSR.

However, many have refused to accept that explanation, alleging a conspiracy to hide the existence of extra-terrestrial life.

Mexico sprang to international fame on July 8, 1947, when the local newspaper reported the capture of a ‘flying saucer’ by government officials in the town.

Over the decades since the discovery, conspiracy theorists have insisted that the debris came from an alien spacecraft, and that the fact was covered up by the military.

Due to public pressure, internal investigations were launched by the US General Accounting Office to disclose the truth.

Their first report, in 1995, confirmed that the wreckage was of a Project Mogul balloon. In 1997, their second report looked at the rumours and stories about recovered alien bodies.

This concluded that they were a combination of rumours, and half-forgotten memories of missions involving the recovery of injured pilots or anthropomorphic dummies.

In 2011, Roswell hit the headlines again when a book by journalist Annie Jacobsen – Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base – claimed that the aliens recovered from Roswell were actually genetically mutated 12-year-old children.

This is the Iconic image of the alien autopsy footage said to have been carried out after an alien spacecraft crash in 1947. It was later discovered to be a fake

They were sent by the Soviet Union to the USA in a remotely piloted aircraft to promote hysteria in the American population.

A similar theory was put forward by Nick Redfern, who claimed that the Roswell crash was caused by a balloon based on Japanese technology.

‘The balloon was used to launch a glider that had a pilot and crew consisting of handicapped people,’ said Mr Watson.

‘The object of this and other missions was to study the effects of radiation and high altitude on the human body.’

‘Conspiracy theorists will no doubt claim this is part of the project to make us slowly become aware of, and accept, the aliens who have been visiting us since that crash in 1947.’

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