
Is there a CRUCIFIX on Mars? UFO hunters have spotted a cross on the red planet near the ruins of a ‘beautifully carved’ structure in latest bizarre claim

UFO hunters have made a bizarre new ‘discovery’ on the red planet, and they say it has significant religious implications.

The alien enthusiasts have spotted what they say is a cross on a rocky Martian hill, and, according to one conspiracy site, it stands just a stone’s throw away from an alleged ‘caved-in roof’ of a nearby structure.

This claim was first spurred by a UFO hunter in France, who noticed the unusual shapes in a photo taken by Nasa’s Curiosity Mars rover.

UFO hunters have made a bizarre new 'discovery' on the red planet, and they say it has significant religious implications. The alien enthusiasts have spotted what they say is a cross on a rocky Martian hill, and it stands just a stone’s throw away from an alleged ‘caved in roof’ of a nearby structure

UFO hunters have made a bizarre new ‘discovery’ on the red planet, and they say it has significant religious implications. The alien enthusiasts have spotted what they say is a cross on a rocky Martian hill, and it stands just a stone’s throw away from an alleged ‘caved in roof’ of a nearby structure

The claim has since been picked up by UFO Sightings Daily, where editor Scott C. Waring explains its potential religious significance to readers.

According to the post, the zoomed in photo from the Curiosity rover shows a cross that is partially blocked by rocks.

Nearby is what they claim is a ‘beautifully carved’ roof, with archways and layered sections.

‘This is a very unusual find and probably a significant discovery for some readers here that are religious.

‘A cross was discovered on Mars by Christian Mace in France,’ Waring says in the post.

‘The cross is sitting on the other side of the rock hill, so the bottom portion of it is not visible, but if the rover took the photo from the others side, I would be big money that this is a full size cross.

‘Near the cross there is the ledges of a beautifully carved roof that has since caved in. It has archways carved in its top and three thin layered sections.’

A zoomed out version of the image shows the rocky landscape, and the two objects in question have been circled in red.

According to the post, the zoomed in photo from the Curiosity rover shows a cross that is partially blocked by rocks (left). Nearby is what they claim is a ‘beautifully carved’ roof, with archways and layered sections (right)

A zoomed out version of the image shows the rocky landscape, and the two objects in question have been circled in red

A zoomed out version of the image shows the rocky landscape, and the two objects in question have been circled in red

This follows claims from last month that Curiosity ran over an ancient Martian sculpture, depicting a face.

In the photo showing the alleged anomaly, tire tracks can clearly be seen amongst a scattering of flat, rock-like structures.

Below the top left tire mark is where Waring points out the strange object.

The ‘face’ is argued to be an alien sculpture thousands of years old – and Nasa’s Curiosity rover ran right over it.

The disgruntled alien-investigator argues that the rover’s disregard for this sculpture is like trampling over Michelangelo’s statue of David, and blames Nasa for ‘unethical standards.’

Waring identified what he claims is the face in the Nasa photos, circling it in red, and even highlighting the whole feature in question.

Conspiracy theorists have identified what they claim is an ancient face on the red planet. The 'face' is argued to be an alien sculpture thousands of years old – and Nasa's Curiosity rover ran right over it. Disgruntled alien-investigator argues that  this is like trampling over Michelangelo's statue of David

Conspiracy theorists have identified what they claim is an ancient face on the red planet. The ‘face’ is argued to be an alien sculpture thousands of years old – and Nasa’s Curiosity rover ran right over it. Disgruntled alien-investigator argues that this is like trampling over Michelangelo’s statue of David

And, the UFO-hunter has a bone to pick with the space agency after viewing the ‘damage.’

‘If the statue of David by Michelangelo was burried [sic] entirely except for his face, would the public walk over it and ignore it?’ Waring asks in the post.

‘Even on Earth people are more curious about the unknown, than the rover named after it.

‘Nasa scientists seem to make their own rules as they go, regardless of the unethical standards and the damage the cause to art thousands of years old.’


Last year, physicist Dr John Brandenburg said he believes an ancient civilization on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race.

Dr Brandenburg says ancient Martians known as Cydonians and Utopians were massacred in the attack – and evidence of the genocide can still be seen today.

Back in 2011 the scientist first postulated that the red colour on Mars could have been due to a naturally occurring thermonuclear explosion.

‘The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances including uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium – and this pattern radiates from a hot spot on Mars,’ he told Fox News at the time.

‘A nuclear explosion could have sent debris all around the planet.’

But since then he has advanced his theory to the level that he now no longer thinks it was a naturally occurring explosion – but rather one planned by an intelligent alien race.

According to Vice, the conclusion of his latest paper says that nuclear isotopes in the atmosphere resembling hydrogen bomb tests ‘may present an example of civilization wiped out by a nuclear attack from space.’

Earlier this week, physicist Dr John Brandenburg said he believes an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race. He says there is evidence for two nuclear explosions on Mars (image from his paper shown)

Physicist Dr John Brandenburg said he believes an ancient civilisation on Mars was wiped out by a nuclear attack from another alien race. He says there is evidence for two nuclear explosions on Mars (image from his paper shown)

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