Portuguese TV claims problems are mounting between Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez.

According to the Portuguese television programme ‘Noite das Estrelas’, on the CMTV channel, it’s likely that Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez will break up.
Ronaldo, 38, and Rodriguez, 29, have been together for seven years and their relationship has seemed to be growing strong, with their bond on display in Georgina’s Netflix series ‘Soy Georgina.’
“I’ve been saying it for months. They are not doing well, and it is likely that they will split up. The reality is that CR7 is fed up with her. That’s the reality. I still say there will be no wedding. They are together to feed the product,” journalist Daniel Nascimento said on the programme.
Noite das Estrelas featured psychologist Quintino Aries, who analysed and drew conclusions from the couple’s attitude in recent weeks at public events.
“Ronaldo’s recent behaviour shows two things: that his personal life is not in a moment of happiness and that the more he distances himself from his mother, Dolores Aveiro, the less tempered he is. And we all know why he is increasingly distant from his family,” said Quintino.
Daniel Nascimento, a journalist and contributor to the programme, added: “Ronaldo is not happy. Georgina spends her days in a shopping centre in Riyadh and that’s one of the reasons why Cristiano is starting to find this story not funny. She just spends and spends and spends. And worst of all, she thinks she’s on Cristiano’s level. She’s putting herself on a pedestal and he’s not liking it at all”.
However, Filipa Castro, Cristiano’s friend, has defended the couple. She said: “I can affirm from a 100 percent reliable source that they are as always doing very well. This is just stories, gossip, made up by people who can’t stand Gio. They are a couple who have love to give and give away.”