
New Jurassic Pterosaur Unearthed in Chile

Paleontologists have unearthed and described the fragmentary fossilized remains of a non-pterodactyloid pterosaur in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile.

Life reconstruction of a rhamphorhynchine pterosaur from the Cerro Campamento Formation, Chile. Image credit: Universidad de Chile.

Life reconstruction of a rhamphorhynchine pterosaur from the Cerro Campamento Formation, Chile. Image credit: Universidad de Chile.

The newly-described pterosaur inhabited the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana some 160 million years ago (Oxfordian age of the Late Jurassic epoch).

It was a large-sized flying reptile with an elongated tail, pointed forward-facing teeth, and a long snout.

Jurassic-Era 'Winged Lizard' Unearthed by Chilean scientists

It belongs to a group of pterosaurs called Rhamphorhynchinae, which also includes Jurassic pterosaurs from Europe, Asia, and North America.

“These pterosaurs had wing spans, tip to tip, of up to 1.8-2 m (5.9-6.6 feet),” said first author Dr. Jhonatan Alarcón-Muñoz from the Universidad de Chile and colleagues.

Remains of ancient flying reptiles that roamed the Atacama found in Chile | Daily Mail Online

“Our specimen is quite large, comparable to Rhamphorhynchus, which is the largest member of this family.”

The specimen was collected in 2009 from the fossil-bearing Cerro Campamento Formation near the locality of Cerritos Bayos in northern Chile.

“The specimen represents to date the oldest record of a pterosaur found in Chile, and the first confidently referrable to the Rhamphorhynchinae clade so far known in Gondwana,” the paleontologists said.

Flying dragon' fossil found preserved inside a rock in the Chilean desert | Live Science

“It also represents the first pterosaur of the Oxfordian age known from this supercontinent.”

“However, the absence of more complete and diagnostic material precludes a generic and specific referral for the moment.”



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