
Footage Captured Within Area 51, an Alien Subterranean Facility 10 Miles Deep

There are millions of skyscrapers on our planet, and most of them are famous by over a billion people every year. However, in this article, we are going to focus our attention on something completely different.

There's an alien world beneath our feet. What could it teach us about life?  -

We are going to deal with a structure that is frequently referred to as “upside-down skyscraper”, and in contrast with normal skyscrapers is that this one is visited only by a few carefully selected groups of people.

The construction would be built underground and host an ultra secret extra-terrestrial base. It is located in the Pacific North West of the United States and guarded by a strong security system. The construction is basically an impenetrable bulletproof bunker whose access is only possible with an electronic key.

The underground base is made up of many different floors with endless corridors and cells.

It looks like strange sounds are coming from cell number 10 as an alien is being transported. Over the corridor are many women dressed in military uniforms.

All you have read was an infiltration carried on by a man who came to an agreement with former US president Jimmy Carter, so due to the aforementioned agreement, many details have to be omitted.


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