
See What The Baby Whose Birthmark Looked Like Batman’s Mask Looks Like Today

The story of baby Luna Fenner, who was born with a rare birthmark, touched the hearts of millions in March 2019 when she was born.

The baby girl was born with a rare birthmark. Congenital melanocytic nevus, which is in the form of a “Batman mask”, is due to an abnormality during embryogenesis. Thus, the huge birthmark tormented 3-year-old Luna and her parents from her birth until a month ago, when a team of expert oncologists operated on the little heroine in Krasnodar.

“People have said more than once that she is ugly and contagious,” says her mother, “but she is the most wonderful, real and beautiful thing in our lives!” she adds through tears.

Despite the fact that the total cost of Luna’s treatment costs many times less in Russia than in the US, the Fenner family does not have enough money to pay for the procedures. But just then a miracle happens: people from all over the world help and respond to the family, and just a few months after the promise of the Russian doctors, Luna and her mother move to Krasnodar.

To date, 3-year-old Luna Fenner has undergone 8 surgeries: both laser and skin. The last procedure was successfully performed in October. According to the oncologists, Luna coped quite well with all the procedures and started running and jumping only two hours after the anesthesia. Now the little girl only has a few cosmetic procedures left to smooth out the scars, after which she will be able to return home to America.

A true little heroine!


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