
This Kind Man Saves Cat From Middle Of Busy Highway

“He is going to be a very happy kitty with lots of siblings waiting for him at home.”By Elizabeth Claire Alberts

Published on 5/12/2017 at 9:47 AM

Masz Masuri was driving with his son on a highway in Malaysia when he spotted something white on the road. At first, he thought it was a piece of plastic. But as he got closer, he noticed pointy ears — it looked like a cat.


Masuri slammed on the brakes. Traffic roared past and drivers beeped, but Masuri was undeterred — he leapt out of the car and hurried over to the cat, who was pressed against the concrete barrier, shaking with fear.

“It was traumatized and covered in dirt,” Masuri, cofounder of Kitty Konnexion Community, an organization that helps stray cats in Singapore and Malaysia, told The Dodo. “[The cat’s] body was trembling and covered in its own waste, but it didn’t put up any struggle or even try to run away from me.”

Masuri picked up the cat, whom he named Danga Boy, and put him into the back seat of the car. Danga Boy meowed loudly and hid under the seat, but he also seemed relieved to be off the highway, according to Masuri.

Masuri has no idea how Danga Boy got on the highway in the first place, but he had a theory.


“It looked like Danga Boy was strapped to either a harness or leash and dragged across the road when it got loose and as it tumbled, it probably fractured the leg in the process,” Masuri said.

Whatever had happened to Danga Boy had resulted in a fractured leg — it was so bad, Danga Boy couldn’t move his leg at all.


Masuri drove the cat straight to a veterinary clinic, where Danga Boy has since been getting treatment.

That same night, Masuri posted pictures of Danga Boy on social media, which helped him find a new family.


“A Good Samaritan offered to take over his case from us and request they not be named … to maintain their privacy, and we respect that,” Masuri said. “They even absorbed all medical bills from us and we ceased appeal for funds from then on.”

Rescued white Malaysian catKITTY KONNEXION COMMUNITY

And as soon as Danga Boy is released from the vet clinic on Sunday, he’ll go to his new home, where he’ll live with several other cats.

“He is going to be a very happy kitty with lots of siblings waiting for him at home,” Masuri said. “For a common stray like Danga Boy, it is usually hard to get anyone to adopt immediately, and getting a response before the day even ends, makes me feel very satisfied and glad.”

Group of rescued cats in kitchen


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